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Credits FSCNOW 2020 Cover Latest Issue

FSC Now logoThe Magazine of Farmingdale State College

FSC Now issue 1 cover

Issue 01 / 2018


Farmingdale State College

A Leader in Every Way

Alumna and senior staff member Veronica Henry is the essence of dedication to her campus and community.

Veronica Henry

What can you say about an employee whose association with the College has spanned over five decades? Obviously, plenty. And when it comes to Dr. Veronica Henry, the testimonials are not only about her valuable work, but also about her devotion to Farmingdale and her support of her colleagues. "Veronica is beloved by everyone on the campus," President Nader said, "and rightly so."

It was for those reasons that Dr. Henry received the President's Award for Faculty Leadership at the President's Gala held in November 2017. There were 300 people in attendance, there to honor her as well as Sal Ferro ('84), President and CEO of Alure Home Improvements and a member of the Farmingdale College Foundation Board, who received the President's Award for Alumni Leadership. Messiah R. Gaymon Sr., a Science, Technology and Society major and President of the Student Government Association, received the President's Award for Student Leadership. Finally, D3 LLC, which designs, engineers, and manufactures displays for prestige brand clients, was given the Ram's Horn Award for Corporate Leadership.

Dr. Henry has been associated with Farmingdale since enrolling as a nursing student in 1975. After graduating and pursuing her advanced degrees, she returned to the College as a faculty member in 1980. Now Executive Assistant to the President and Chief Diversity Officer/Title IX Coordinator, she is responsible for creating an environment that is welcoming, pleasant, and inclusive.

She also leads the College's efforts in STEM education for secondary school students and the community, annually organizing Long Island's largest STEM conference, which Dr. Nader said "has delivered widespread praise and recognition to the campus."

Additional Honorees

Sal Ferro '84 President's Award for Alumni Leadership

Sal Ferro

Messiah Gaymon '19 President's Award for Student Leadership

Messiah Gaymon

D3 Ram's Horn Award for Corporate Leadership

D3 logo
FSC Now logo

President John Nader, PhD

Vice President

Patrick Calabria

Kathy Coley

Feature Writer
Peter Crescenti

Creative Director
Jonathan Goldstein

Graphic Designer
Ru Jurow

José Donneys
Daniel Goodrich
Jenn Wilbur

Web Developer
Nicholas Raia

FSCNow is published annually by
Farmingdale State College's Institutional Advancement
and Enrollment Management Office.